
We are delighted to congratulate Stephanie Silkwood on her election to AIA Silicon Valley Vice President. A founding member of the AIA Silicon Valley’s Women in Architecture Committee and previous AIASVC Board Director, Stephanie, continues her passion for industry activism by elevating each team that she engages with her energy, grace, and integrity.
“Stephanie Silkwood brings exceptional energy, professionalism, and dedication to the architecture community. With a clear vision for the future, she has led the WIA effort to bring the National AIA Women’s Leadership Summit (WLS) to the Silicon Valley region, an effort to bring women architects into leadership roles. AIA Silicon Valley is thrilled to celebrate Stephanie’s election to Vice President/President-Elect on the AIASVC 2022 Board of Directors We look forward to the continued contributions and leadership that she brings to the AIA Silicon Valley membership and the entire architectural community.” ~ Kristen Werner, Executive Director, AIASVC