
The Quality Management program at RMW encompasses our training, tools, and mentorship to generate dependable confidence in the quality of our work. With new members and leadership at the helm, the QM team at RMW has grown to include ten professionals who are passionately dedicated to upholding the firm’s quality assurance and quality control standards.
Stephanie Silkwood, Associate Principal, recognized the team’s leadership transition as an opportunity to rebuild with a fresh perspective. The new QM team purposely includes representatives from each studio to better infuse a common standard of quality throughout the firm, helping to ensure the effective adoption of a QM culture. The group’s strengths and interests span technology, specifications, sustainability, resilience, and wellness. They are unified by their common love for solving problems, meticulously perfecting their craft, and most importantly, teaching others.
Stepping into the role of Director of Quality Management for the San Jose Studio is Jann Fabrin, who has been instrumental in defining the firm’s QM standards for more than a decade. “The history of Quality Management at RMW is deeply rooted in the belief that all processes and drawings should maintain a high level of caliber for the benefit of our clients and our project partners. We hope that through our experienced leadership, a cohesive and unified approach to project documentation will continue to yield successful outcomes for both RMW and our clients,” says Jann.
Joining Jann in leading the team is Mike Wong, Senior Project Architect. Mike is the team’s visionary whose eyes are always on the horizon. Mike’s goal is to ensure RMW’s standard of quality is upheld as the profession evolves. “We seek to build upon what RMW has done so well by cultivating in people the knowledge to recognize excellence, followed by the skills to achieve it on their own,” he says. “We do this through a culture of sharing; not only do we share what we know, but we also share what we seek to learn.”
With their combined talents, passion, and commitment to a new vision, the QM team is poised to carry on RMW’s legacy of excellence.
RMW Team
Allison English Anthony Gutierrez Brian Diercks Jann-Paul D. Fabrin Joelle Rosander Josefina O. Camaclang Madeleine Malone Richard Gabaldon Stephanie Silkwood Suzanne Hearn Meyer