Prologis Tracy
Tracy, CA
To transform an ordinary TI into a space that could support the distinct character and essential needs of our client meant reorienting the entire sequence of the journey from the moment of entry. A new stair sets the tone for the experience, leading up to the leasing office for the Prologis International Park of Commerce. By placing the leasing office upstairs, visitors can look out onto the campus from the balcony as well as view a full scale interactive model of the park displayed on the wall in order to allow for a spacious and inviting meeting and lounge area. Meanwhile, relocating the office space to the back offers employees sunset views of the golden landscape. To assist with attracting tenants, the amenities such as entertaining space, gym, grab-and-go refreshments, and conference center are shared with other building occupants. With a focus on community, the space also plays host to city officials, and because out-of-town visitors often come by, a wellness space is provided for rest and relaxation.
RMW Team
OPI Builders, General Contractor
One Workplace, Furniture
Garry Belinsky, Photography